Thread: Errant poblano
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Katra wrote:
> In article >,
> Bubba > wrote:
>>If stress causes heat increase in chilies, I got a poblano yesterday
>>that needed some serious therapy. I was chopping away (and, of course,
>>have to taste while I chop) and popped a chunk of poblano in my
>>mouth.....Wham! We're talking high end jalapeno type heat. Not that
>>that's a bad thing, but it sure was a surprise!
>>Anyone else out there ever get a "zinger"?

> Not poblanos, but I've gotten horribly hot jalapenos during drought
> conditions.
> I gave most of those to the cockatoo.
> She loves hot stuff, then loves to play kissy with a pepper stained beak!
> Gives a whole new meaning to the term "hot lips".

And for us, "ring of fire."
