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"Edwin Pawlowski" > wrote in message
> "Nexis" > wrote in message
> > But Nancy, I think the point the movie made very well is that it isn't
> > like
> > what you're talking about. It sounds to me, and correct me if I am wrong
> > here, that you are speaking of an occasional indulgence. That's all well
> > and
> > good, if you can stomach that junk, but the fact is this type of trash
> > food
> > has become the mainstay of too many people's diets and lifestyles.

> > where the problem comes in. Eating the occasional Whopper (which by
> > today's
> > standards isn't even that big anymore) is not likely to kill you. Eating
> > it
> > 5 days a week just might.

> But it still comes back to taking responsibility for your own actions.

> I eat fast food once in a while, but no one forces me to. I have
> alternatives but sometimes I take the easy way out. When the movies was
> being made, if the server asked "do you want it supersized?" the answer

> yes. What is wrong with saying NO? It makes a better movie to say "yes"

> that is what he did.

The movie never claimed anyone is forced. However, advertising, and the fact
that the food is addictive, play a big part. Just because we can say no,
doesn't mean they shouldn't take responsibility for their part in the
decline in fitness and health. It's attitudes that excuse them that are
partly to blame for their lack of responsibility.