Mike Petro > writes:
> On 20 Dec 2004 03:15:21 -0800, cast caution to the
> wind and posted:
> >[...]
> >
> >I had seen that ingenuitea pot. It certainly makes brewing easier, but
> >I have read some of the reviews at that site and some say that there is
> >a price to pay -- cleanup is even more irritating than when using a
> >regular pot with loose leaves in it.
> I haven't found cleanup to be that bad, however I took the lid off of
> mine.
Sorry to think of this only after pulling in miles of this thread, but
Mike's post brings up an issue I sometimes wonder about. Most
teapots, especially those with a screen embedded in the spout, make it
nearly impossible to clean the interior of the spout. Admittedly, the
liquor doesn't contact the spout during the steep, but it sure does on
the way out. Maybe a gaiwan's the only choice for a cleanliness
Lew Perin /