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On Thu, 23 Dec 2004 01:12:36 GMT, "Ernie"
> wrote:

>"Kenneth" > wrote > >Interesting,
>> Hi Ernie,
>> I have described my understanding of the process in some
>> detail. If you have questions about what I described, please
>> ask.

>Ok Kenneth when you had the oven set at 500 degrees
>How hot did the stone get?

Hi Ernie,

After about 90 minutes, the stone would get to 625F. I don't
recall measuring the temperature of the stone long after
that point.

Also, consider this:

Suppose you had a bucket of water set outside on a warm
summer day. Eventually, the water in the bucket heated to,
say, 90ºF, then the evening comes, and cool breezes start to

After a few minutes, you get out your thermometer and
discover that the air temperature has dropped to 60ºF.

You then dip the thermometer into the water.

Surely you know that the water will not be as cool as the
air. In fact, in those few minutes, it might not be
significantly cooler than 90º.

And that is why the stone trick works.

All the best,


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