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I have been making Yorkshire Pudding for over 40 years and have never
had a failure! My mother taught me how to make them. They were
traditional with roast beef in the northern part of England she came
from. I think you have to start with the concept that a true
Yorkshire Pudding is moist in the middle and is actually the
consistency of a well baked pudding.

Two very important features: whatever fat you use to cover the bottom
of the pan really should be either meat drippings or a vegetable fat -
do not on any account use oil or chicken fat. The amount of dripping
or fat should not exceed one teaspoon and ideally you should use an
enamel-type oblong baking dish that is relatively deep - so the
pudding can rise properly. My (now very old) enamel baking dish is
about 9-10 inches long and about 3 inches deep and has a flange.

The oven should be very hot - at least 400 deg F. Use fan-bake if
you have that option. The fat should be smoking hot when you add the
batter to it. Place the pudding in the centre of the oven. Cook the
pudding for 40-45 minutes at that heat.

The batter itself is: 1 teacup standard flour; a good pinch of salt.
1 egg and half a pint of milk. Make a well in the flour and add the
egg and some of the milk. Whisk to smooth out any lumps that have
formed and add the rest of the milk. The batter should be a little
thicker than the consistency you would use for pancakes. Strain the
batter into a jug, cover and leave for 1 hour. The standing is very
important, so don't miss out of this step. But don't leave much
longer than an hour.

Stir the batter with a spoon and it is ready to go.

Cheers all and good luck. (I have been known on occasion to eat half
of a Yorkshire Pudding of the size above smothered in gravy - yummm!)
