Daisy wrote:
> I have been making Yorkshire Pudding for over 40 years and have never
> had a failure! My mother taught me how to make them. They were
> traditional with roast beef in the northern part of England she came
> from. I think you have to start with the concept that a true
> Yorkshire Pudding is moist in the middle and is actually the
> consistency of a well baked pudding.
You've been doing it for 40 years and never ever had a failure? You must
be living right :-)
I like them done in a muffin pan, more like a popover. I have never had
any that have been really bad. The worst batches failed to rise a lot and
looked more like a muffin, but most of the time the rise wonderfully, have
a nice crust on top and bottom and a nice texture inside.