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Default Christmas Morning here in Oz..

Hi...All....A 'Happy and Blessed Christmas to my 'Cyberfriends in all of
'God's' world. !...

Here it is a little after 8:25 AM on a not so normal Christmas day !....By
that I mean it is actually raining here in Sydney !...A shame for those
Aussie families that like to have an outdoor Barbeque at the beach side or
else where....It is usual to have temperatures up in the very late 30' and
even up to the mid 40s on occasions !...But the high temps do not usually
phase the folk out that like to cook a Traditional Christmas meal of Hot
Pork ,Turkey, Chickens, Ham, and other mixed varieties as well.....But a
mighty majority of folk seem to cook and eat a lot of Seafood these day's..I
suppose it is the more suitable for our weather conditions....

No 'White Christmas's' for us !

I have gotten up a little after 5 AM to put my 'contribution' to the
Christmas meal..which is being held at my oldest 'Daughter's' home a few K's
away....I do not like cold pork myself so I insist on cooking it in the
morning so as it will not go completely cold for lunch !..We have a cold
meal usually now since my late wife (Helen) passed away !...She was one who
cooked the 'full' traditional Christmas meal each year and fed over 20
people which was no great effort for her !

Well, looking out my window now and seeing the light hot Pork
sounds great...I can smell the 'Aromas' reaching me from the
'Kitchen'...Mmmmmmm I just turned the heat down now after high roasting it
to obtain a beautiful 'Crackly Crackling'...I may even 'steal' some of it
off after the Leg is cooked....

What are my 'Cyberfriends ' eating today ??

Again..Have a great day (when you all wake up !)
