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And you don't necessary even need a wediding or marriage to have a good
relationship. My SO and I have lived together for 22 years, I promised him
50, if we make it that long we'll both be too decrepit to run off with
anyone else. We had some rocky times early on but it looks now like it
will last. :-)

In ,
Nancy Howells > stated
| YES! And the "perfect wedding" does not always make the perfect
| marriage. I say that because so many people assume that if the
| wedding is perfect, it all stops there. I call this the "American
| Musical Myth." Why? Because, in the perfect American musical, all is
| fraught with difficulty up to the wedding, and then there's the
| perfect wedding. They never show what happens after the wedding.
| I have a friend who is divorced, whose husband emotionally and
| verbally abused her. Things led to other things, and her life
| basically went down the toilet, but all she can say, over and over
| (insert deep Southern accent here for affect) "But I had the most
| beautiful weddin'!"
| She did - it was the marriage that sucked.
| I've been married 13 years, and I have to say - it only gets better,
| and better - but we do work at it from time to time - with
| discussions, willingness to compromise, and to support the other
| person, even when we don't agree 100%. Of course, the other side of
| that is that we also agree to tell the other when the other is full
| of bs, which is essential - and we agree to listen, when the other
| says it (not in the heat of a moment, of course, though sometimes
| that gets revisited, too.)