To all the cooks and eaters:
Puester wrote:
> Merry Christmas, happy holidays, season's greetings
> and
> Felices Pascuas, Vesele Vanoce, Boas festas, Tchestita Koleda,
> Kung His Hsin Nien, Sretan Bozic, Gladelig Jul, Hyvaa joulua,
> Joyeux Noel, Froeliche Weihnachten, Kala Christouyenna,
> Mele Kalikimaka, Shub Naya Baras, Nollaig Shona Dhuit,
> Buon Natale, Linksmu Kaledu, Meri Kirihimete, God Jul,
> Wesolych Swiat Bozego Narodzen, Vesele vianoce, Buorrit Juovllat,
> Feliz Navidad, Nathar Puthu Varuda Valthukkal, Sawadee Pee Mai,
> Cestitamo Bozic
> gloria p
Hi! Onthis beautiful day, I know you wouldn't get offended if I
corrected something. I believe the Greek is KALA KHRISTYENA because
they don't have a CH. Also felices pascuas means HAPPY EASTER and
Feliz Navidad is Merry Christmas.
And a Merry Christmas to you!!!!