Yooper wrote:
> Ok-it sucked. We had it on for about 5-6 hours and it wasn't any good. I
> think it was a lousy cut of meat. Anyone heard of Pikes Peak Roast or some
> such thing? Put the thermometer in it and it didn't hit 140 at all, several
> times. Finally pulled it off and it was still red in the center and brown
> at the edges. It was like eating shoe leather that had sat in the rain and
> then dried out. No good. We first tried it on a rack, in a roaster pan,
> with no fire under it. Then we went to just leaving it on the rack, then
> went to right on the grill over a fire just so it would get done and man, it
> sure got done. At least we had good potatoes and biscuits.
> Lessons learned (I think)
> --Cook right on the rack, no pan or racks. Light one side only and leave a
> long time for the meat to get done
> --Don't expect a good cut of meat from neighbors that are moving and trying
> to get rid of their meat
> --Screw the thermometer-cut it open and have a look
> --Have a few smoke pouches made up ready to go--we tried the soaked batch
> and the unsoaked batch
> --Get a smoker or Weber grill
> Tomorrow we're going to try the beer can chicken damnit. If it sucks, at
> least I can say I tried it and there are some backup hamburgers in the
> fridge, ready to spring into action. Thanks again for the guidance here and
> I'll fill you in on how it goes.
> Merry Christmas to you all and good cooking.
Low and slow is possible in a Weber gasser but not easy. Do yourself a
favor if you are interested in this kind of cooking and get a WSM as an
entry level. (that's where I am) Excellent value for the money.
There are ceramic units that are touted to be much better but I've had
absolutely no problems with the WSM.
It's not a good idea to squat while wearing spurs.