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Joy wrote:

>>Now, know most of our Chattanoogans can't drive even on dry

> roads! Remember the 2" snow in '82? I was stuck downtown until the next
> am..had to sleep on my desk at work!
> Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to everyone!!! Joy

So I've got another Chattanoogan in here? I thought I was all alone! And
you're rigth, people here just have no clue how to drive. Maybe it has
something to do with all the roads being under constant construction...
but that still doesn't explain why people do 35mph in the left lane! In
'82 I was only 4 years old, but I do remember the HUGE snow of 91? I
think it was in the early 90's. School was closed for nearly 2 weeks.
Welp, time to hit the shower and start opening presents. Merry Christmas
