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Dog3 writes:
>"Kswck" wrote:
>> "jmcquown" wrote
>>> Dog3 wrote:
>>>> Any suggestions for a standing rib roast besides butter, S&P or is
>>>> that enough?
>>> Insert slivers of garlic all over the top of the roast before adding
>>> S&P.
>>> Jill

>> Isn't a rib roast supposed to be served w/horseradish and/or Yorkshire
>> pudding? Seems to me horseradish and garlic really don't go together.

>I did very little to the roast. I rubbed it with salt and roasted it. It
>was perfect. I did not use garlic, I opted for the horseradish instead.
>Someone asked about the au jus. I just skimmed the pan drippings and
>served it up. I was the only one here. It was good.

Perfect! Only way a rib roast is good stabbed with raw garlic is if it's a
*pork* rib roast, AND you're Puerto Rican! <G>

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