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Michael wrote:
> I'm a newbie cook, but I've got things in the kitchen
> that have been passed down to me through my family,
> and using them brings back fond memories every time
> I use them. I've got a set of colorful bowls that my
> mother used.

> I was wondering if you folks have any kitchen items
> with a history that brings back memories.
> Michael

My mom isn't much on cooking; I've said many times she's wondered where I
got my "cooking gene". But she gave me a cast iron griddle her mother used
to bake her Scottish scones on. I love that old piece of cast iron. I use
it in the oven, on the stove top, on the outdoor grill. It's a godsend.

Mom gave me a very large enamelled cast iron skillet years ago - it was too
heavy for her to lift. It's not Le Crueset but has the same flame-orange
colour; this stuff was made in Belguim. I can barely lift it, either, and
it had a screw-in wooden handle which quickly got stripped. so there's just
the place where it screwed in to grab onto until you can get a mitted hand
under it immediately after lifting! It does have a lid so it makes for
perfect stove-top to oven cooking - just make sure you have heavy oven
mitts; it gets HOT!
