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Margaret Suran
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SENYC wrote:
> Small portions...lots of box and expensive...and not so fresh food...
> Stephanie
> wrote:
>>Has anyone had any experience with Fresh Direct in NYC? It's an

> online
>>grocery service that claims to have very fresh food. How's the

> quality
>>of the produce and fruits? Meats, deli, etc.?


When Fresh Direct first started in NYC, the customer received a $50.00
rebate on the first order, plus free delivery. Almost everybody I
know took advantage of this offer, but few used the service a second
time, because the first order turned out to be a big disappointment.

I never ordered from Fresh Direct, so I can only give you second hand
information. Soon the delivery service got into legal disputes with
one of the best known stores in the city, because F.D. used the
store's name in its advertising. They settled the dispute and F.D.
kept on plugging. NYC being probably the city that uses more take out
foods, call in foods, caterers and other conveniences, didn't let F.D.
down. It is now a very successful business. You can see their many
large trucks all over Manhattan, especially on the Upper East Side and
Upper West Side.

From speaking with some of the customers, the reputation is somewhat
spotty. As one put it: "If you pick out your foods yourself, you
will get better and cheaper stuff". Yet, the same person is still
ordering from them and feels that it is the best being offered in the

Our building on the Upper East Side gets Fresh Direct deliveries every
day, sometimes to a dozen or more different apartments.

Does this help? I hope so, but I doubt it. You have to take a chance
and order something. Perhaps if you mention the "First Delivery Will
Get You a $50.00 Rebate", they will still honor it. I love shopping
for food and would not want someone to do the picking out for me. )

Everything good for 2005!, M