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Louis Cohen
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Maurice M wrote:
> Im considering a couple of different Bosch ovens, one of the points of
> difference is the higher specd model HBN560550A, quotes a mximum heat of 300
> deg C vs the 250 deg C on the model below HBN540550A.(Australian model
> numbers)
> Is this higher temp a worthwhile feature for cooking (pizzas, sealing
> roasts etc) or is it just used in the auto cleaning program?
> thanks
> Maurice

That would be about 470 vs 580° F. If you bake very thin crust pizza or
baguettes frequently, you might want the slightly higher heat (but I
think you would be fine with 250° C and a couple of thick pizza stones).
The only other thing that I can think of for an oven hotter than
250° C might be roasting breaded chicken or fish as a lower-fat
alternative to deep-frying them.


================================================== =============

Louis Cohen

"Yes, yes, I will desalinate you, you grande morue!"

Émile Zola, Assommoir 1877