"Peter Muto" > wrote in message
> Hi
> I've had my wine (CS, CF, Merlot separately) going through Malo for
> exactly 4 weeks. They have remained consistently at a tempature
> between 18-20 degrees Centigrade.
> I do not have the paper chromotography and will not be able to get
> some in the near future.
> How likely is it the wines have finished malo?
If it's still fizzing, it isn't finished.
> Would it be fairly safe to rack, and sulphite/stabilize to end
> fermentation and begin bulk aging? Or would I be premature?
What's the hurry? It's under airlock in carboy, isn't it?
BTW, sulfite = good. Stabilizer = bad. There's never any need to add
"stabilizer" (sorbate) to a dry wine. Many people can taste it, and it
doesn't taste good to them.
Tom S