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> Ruddell
>Date: Wed, 22 Dec 2004 01:18:05 -0000
>Organization: Ratbag & Mooch Enterprises
>Message-ID: >
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>In > PENMART01 wrote:
>> Any potato is good for roasting. I tend to prefer small new potatoes,
>> fingerlings are good... tossed with oil and s n' p... pared or not. I
>> also like large russets chunked with a ripple knife... again tossed
>> with oil and s n' p... pared or not. The real secret to potatoes,
>> regardless how prepared, is that they are *fresh*, storage potatoes as
>> are typical at stupidmarkest, well, suck. Unless you've eaten freshly
>> dug spuds you've never tasted a potato.

>We have a vegetable garden and potatoes are a big part of it so I know
>what you're saying. But it's supposed to be -27 tonight and the garden
>is a bit off this time of year ;-)

Well, then hopefully you've put up enough potatoes for vodka. Wow, -27º, and I
thought it got cold here... but wait, it hit -20º F here in upstate NY last
winter and it's only the beginning. We're having a heat wave right now, it's
only a balmy 8º F. My veggie garden is deep asleep now too, won't be waking up
until around May.

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"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."