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>"limey" writes:
>"Andy" wrote:
>>I need to buy one of these countertop boards. Some choices are marble, wood
>> and silicone.
>> How do you clean one that won't fit in the sink or dishwasher.
>> The board doesn't have to permanently reside on the countertop.
>> My formica countertop is 8' length x 24" deep.
>> Please advise.

>Believe it or not, I use a cabinet door. It became available when we moved
>into our last house because it had a (natural) dark area which clashed with
>the other doors.
>I've used it for years, for kneading bread, rolling pastry, etc. That's
>been enough to keep the surface very slightly oiled. It's quite big - but
>I never wash it - just scrape it with a bench knife.

Poifect.... never wash a pastry board.

---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."