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Melba's Jammin' > wrote:
: In article >, Terry Pulliam
: Burd > wrote:

:> On 27 Nov 2004 20:30:05 -0800, (nancree) wrote:
:> <snip>
:> > My children now travel to, say, London, and
:> >know about hotels, monuments, moments in earlier history. But I think
:> >it makes the visit more meaningful if they know about wartime London.
:> <snip>
:> The DH and I just spent a few days in London and visited the Cabinet
:> War Rooms near Westminster Abbey. Phenomonal. You want a good look and
:> feel of wartime London, have a look there. The unbelievably cramped
:> quarters, claustrophobic sleeping quarters for junior staff,
:> retro-fitted 3' slab of concrete to protect from bombs, primitive (by
:> our standards) communications room, etc. Esp. interesting was how
:> stark were the bedrooms for Churchill and the senior staff. Add to
:> that what must have been ghastly degrees of cigarette/cigar smoke,
:> collective human miasma that couldn't be filtered, no running water or
:> sewage facilities. It's a tribute to them all.
:> Highly recommended to one and all.
:> Terry "Squeaks" Pulliam Burd
:> AAC(F)BV66.0748.CA

: <Oooh, ooh, jumps up and down> I was there in early June. I didn't
: think about the cigar smoke. Amazing, eh?

I'm only, oh, almost a month late here! There is also the IMperial War
Museum. There's an exhibit of what it was like during the blitz, they
pack about 15 or so to this "tour". Very effective, and perhaps for one
who had actually been through that experience, a bit too evocative. I
wish I could remember what the cockney gent says at the end, I was very
near tears, just so moving.
