"limey" wrote in message >
I'm going to have to
> try the popover type - I'm just familiar with the traditional "squidgy"
> kind, but I do love popovers. Times change - I'll have to ask my cousins
> what they do.
Haven't asked my cousins yet, but here's a response from the UK newsgroup:
> | Have I been away from home for too long? There was a long discussion on
> the | US food group on how to cook Yorkshire pudding. I gave my mother's
> recipe | (poured into the pan under the beef roast and baked in the
> drippings), | resulting in a softish middle and crisp edges.
The only way worth the name of Yorkshire pudding
> | From several comments, I | gather the now preferred UK method is baking
> in muffin tins, resulting in | puffed up, crisp individual puds (what's
> called popovers here).
Sacrilege. Almost as bad as those machine made ones from the supermarket.
> ;-)
Others indicate the same. So - the Yorkshire Pud discussion