In article >,
Michael Odom > wrote:
> On Tue, 28 Dec 2004 20:06:23 GMT, Dog3 > wrote:
> >
> >LOL... I got a kick out of this story. My niece wanted crab for her 15th
> >birthday. What a mess. We always boil 'em. She wanted grilled. So we put a
> >gob of butter on them. OMG, the grill hated the butter. Grilled crab was
> >different but okay.
> >
> Maybe the grill loved the butter a little too much?
> I grilled crabs once, fresh live ones from a boat canal on Galveston
> Island. They scuttled around the grill enough to make me
> uncomfortable. Not enough to keep me from eating them, though.
> modom
Ouch... :-(
Reminds me of the threads we have run here about the least cruel way to
boil crustaceans.
Can't you kill a crab by stabbing it between the eyes prior to