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"limey" wrote:

I'm going to have to
>>try the popover type - I'm just familiar with the traditional "squidgy"
>>kind, but I do love popovers. Times change - I'll have to ask my cousins
>>what they do.

OK, Terry, I'll try and put this to bed! I e-mailed my cousin - his wife is
an A-1 cook and cooks by "feel". Here's his reply:

Jean says that on the subject of Yorkshire Puddings, you are both right.
Your way is how our mothers did it, and now most people do them in muffin
tins or worse still buy frozen ones.

Jean uses a recipe which is fail proof, and produces a very big pudding,
which we both share!!

She uses an 8" square tin; have fat very hot. For 2 people beat together 1
egg, flour and milk, as follows;

Break egg into cup, then turn into bowl. Measure the same quantity of flour
and then milk as the egg in the cup. Add to egg and whisk thoroughly. Cook
at 190C for 30 mins. Seems to work with either plain or self-raising flour.

Jean says she knows what she means - hope you do too!

Here's wishing you both a Happy and Healthy New Year.

Love from

Jean and Peter.

Let us know if the pud turns out OK.