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Ross Reid
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"kasha" > wrote:

>I've been trying to make my own "prepared" horseradish for some time now.
>None of the recipes I've seen specify how long to wait before adding vinegar
>to stabilize the 'heat'. Also, none have said anything about differences in
>intensity with different types of horseradish root or commented on the best
>time of year to purchase horseradish root. Any advise, including suggestions
>for sources of horseradish root that can be counted on for intensity, will
>be appreciated.
>PS My interest in homemade horseradish is strictly a result of frustration
>with purchasing commercial horseradish only to discover that there was
>absolutely NO consistency in the heat from one bottle or brand to another.

The following is the way we've done our own for years. Here is a copy
& paste from

Grind fresh horseradish in a well-ventilated room. The fumes from
grinding are potent. Using a blender or food processor for grinding
makes home preparation practical and less tearful. To Grate your own
horseradish in a blender, wash and peel the root as you would a potato
and dice it into small cubes. Place the cubes in the blender jar.
Process no more than half a container load at a time. Add a small
amount of cold water and crushed ice. Start with enough cold water to
completely cover the blades of the blender. Add several crushed ice
cubes. Put the cover on the blender before turning the blender on.
If necessary, add more water or crushed ice to complete the grinding.
When the mixture reaches the desired consistency, add white vinegar.
Use 2 to 3 tablespoons of white vinegar and 1/2 teaspoon of salt of
each cup of grated horseradish. If desired, lemon juice may be
substituted for the vinegar to give a slightly different flavor.
