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Rodney Myrvaagnes
Posts: n/a

On Wed, 29 Dec 2004 04:30:36 GMT, "kasha" > wrote:

>I've been trying to make my own "prepared" horseradish for some time now.
>None of the recipes I've seen specify how long to wait before adding vinegar
>to stabilize the 'heat'. Also, none have said anything about differences in
>intensity with different types of horseradish root or commented on the best
>time of year to purchase horseradish root. Any advise, including suggestions
>for sources of horseradish root that can be counted on for intensity, will
>be appreciated.
>PS My interest in homemade horseradish is strictly a result of frustration
>with purchasing commercial horseradish only to discover that there was
>absolutely NO consistency in the heat from one bottle or brand to another.

I haven't found any consistency from one root to the next, even from
the same farm. Just grate what you need for the one meal, telling
yourself it is a natural product (which it is).

Rodney Myrvaagnes J36 Gjo/a

Entering your freshman dorm for the first time, and seeing
an axe head come through the door on your right.