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In article >,
Ron Hardin > wrote:

> Is there a teakettle that's insulated on all but the bottom (so you
> can heat water on the bottom, but it doesn't lose heat on the top and
> sides)?
> The application is keeping a pot of water hot when the power goes
> off in an ice storm for a week. A regular kettle with a plumber's
> candle under it can heat water to about 60F above the room temperature
> and hold it there (plumber's candle burns 13 hours, very handy at two
> per day, keep some around), but when the house drops to 30F you're
> making instant coffee that's warm but lower than body temperature.
> The point is to raise your spirits, and hotter would be better for
> that.
> Insulation would let you hold water much hotter.

Then again, keeping water hot drives out the dissolved air, making it
taste flat. I wouldn't want to make coffee with that. I have a gas
stove, so I'm not worried if power goes out, but if necessary I could
just take out my Coleman Dual Fuel stove to heat water.

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