Thread: Your turn USA.
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Charles Quinn
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Default Your turn USA.

In article >, The Wolf > wrote:
>Better than Americans losing their jobs and homes to support canadian
>socialism and welfare.

The heads of Canada’s five major banks have thrown down the gauntlet: They say
Canada’s per capita gross domestic product can outpace that of the U.S. by the
year 2015. In other words, it would have to outpace U.S growth by an average
of 1.6 percent a year. And, the banks don't intend to overtake the U.S. with
trickle down economics: their proposal involves taxing the wealthy and
increasing social services for all.
Reporter: Ed Ungar

hear the story at

The home ownership rate between Canada and the US are within a few percentage
points difference.


The significant problems we face cannot be solved
at the same level of thinking we were at when we
created them. Albert Einstein