Charles Gifford > and Janet Bostwick
> conversed in message
> > > I got a Black and Decker electric Jar Opener. It is a
> > > real blessing for those of us who have trouble opening
> > > some jar lids. It really does a great job! I've been
> > > opening a lot of jars!
> > >
> > I wish this product had been around several years ago. A
> > friend was having a very difficult time with jars. We got
> > her two different sizes of those flexible strap wrenches.
> > They were helpful only if she had some limited flexibility
> > and dexterity. On days when her hands were terribly swollen,
> > painful and stiff she was pretty much helpless. I'm glad
> > this jar opener is available for you, Charlie.
> >
> Thank you Janet. I think I have tried just about all the
> types of openers. The Black & Decker works very well indeed
> with NO effort or grip involved. I just hopes it lasts!
As someone with a daughter-unit with severe JRA, finding the right
tool for everyday motions was a high priority. This tool, while not
a present in the normal sense of it's use, was gahdz'-gifted. She's
using it more and more.
ObEdP: You're lack of common sense is astounding. When you don't
know something, you proudly herald it. It must be nice being so
blissfully ignorant. May _you_ be afflicted with such a
debilitating ailment so that you might gain some measure of
ObFood: Stuffed London Broil and New Potatoes
London Broil
London Broil - 2-1/2 to 3 lb.
1/4 cup parsley, chopped
3 cloves garlic, minced
2 Tbs. lemon zest, fresh
With a sharp knife, cut a horizontal pocket about 3/4 of the
way through the meat (on the long side.) Combine parsley, garlic
and lemon zest; spread evenly inside pocket. Wrap in plastic wrap
(airtight) and refrigerate for up to 6 hours.
New Potatoes
3 to 3-1/2 lb. new potatoes
1/2 cup balsamic vinegar
3 Tbs. dijon mustard
1 Tbs. olive oil
Cook potatoes in 3 quarts of boiling water, bring it to boil
over high heat. Reduce heat, cover and simmer potatoes until barely
tender. This should take only 20 mins. Drain lot and return to pan.
Combine vinegar, mustard, and oil in a small bowl. Add half
the mixture to the potatoes and mix well. Allow to marinate for 20
minutes. Skewer potatoes on wooden poutry or metal BBQ skewers.
Remove plastic wrap and grill meat and potatoes side-by-side,
basting the potatoes with the rest of the vinegar mixture. Cook
London Broil to preferred doneness.
The Ranger