In article >,
"The Ranger" > wrote:
> Katra > wrote in message
> ...
> > > [Crossposting call-down]
> > Uh, 'scuse me???
> Shithead was being polite. Nothing more.
That was polite???
I'd hate to see rude! ;-) (er)
> > I've just been following the thread, not deliberately
> > cross posting!
> If you've been "following the thread," then you've been
> deliberately cross-posting this nonsense. Stop playing naive. No
> one's buying...
> The Ranger
Nah, I just was not paying attention.
And, as I said, if he's going to chew on me,
why not EVERYBODY ELSE including YOU that was also crossposting???
And I did not start the damned thread!