Your turn USA.
Rona Yuthasastrakosol wrote:
> "Michel Boucher" > wrote in message
> ...
>>I guess Canada now has a reason to reciprocate the last few months in
>>(no-)beef trade :-)
> So far, it's being reported that Canada is taking the high road--"Now is not
> the time for tit-for-tat" or something like that. Personally, I think
> Canada should ban US beef imports. Why the hell not?
> rona
Your new P.M. thinks that by kissing the moron's butt, things will work
out for Canada. Not with Bush. You are either with him or against him.
He holds grudges longer than his pappy held office.
"If you reject the food, ignore the customs, fear the religion, and
avoid the people, you might better stay home."
--James Michener