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Tom S wrote:
> "Peter Muto" > wrote in message
> om...
> > Hi
> >
> > I've had my wine (CS, CF, Merlot separately) going through Malo for
> > exactly 4 weeks. They have remained consistently at a tempature
> > between 18-20 degrees Centigrade.
> >
> > I do not have the paper chromotography and will not be able to get
> > some in the near future.
> >
> > How likely is it the wines have finished malo?

> If it's still fizzing, it isn't finished.

It's not fizzing at this point. The wine is quite still and I observed
for about 5 mins and saw no bubbles/fizz.
I think I'm going to have to hope the ML is done as due to my father's
need to make sausage, he has to cool the cellar (and make room) so I'm
not sure what else I can do.
I guess leaving the wine as is, and letting any male resume when the
cellar temps rises in the spring but I'm very worried about the wine
going that long without sulphite and the risk of spoilage/bacteria, a
problem we've had in the past.

> > Would it be fairly safe to rack, and sulphite/stabilize to end
> > fermentation and begin bulk aging? Or would I be premature?

> What's the hurry? It's under airlock in carboy, isn't it?
> BTW, sulfite = good. Stabilizer = bad. There's never any need to

> "stabilizer" (sorbate) to a dry wine. Many people can taste it, and

> doesn't taste good to them.
> Tom S

Thanks, I will sulphite it only.