"Dimitri" > wrote:
>"Nexis" > wrote in message
>> I've made rib roasts before, but never one that was 9.5 lbs. I was a
>> little
>> nervous about the time thing (how much time to add etc). I seasoned
>> simply...coarse sea salt, celery salt, black and white pepper. It was a
>> glorious roast! I started it at 425*f for 30 minutes, then reduced the
>> heat
>> to 325*f for 2 1/5 hours. It came out beautiful...med rare in the center,
>> medium on the ends. Perfect for everyone. I was so blissed out. lol. The
>> celery salt is such a good compliment to the rich beefy flavor. And the
>> gravy was so yummy.
>> We also had turkey, dressing, turkey gravy, mashed potatoes, corn, green
>> beans with rosemary and pinenuts, cloverleaf rolls and fruit salad.
>> Everything turned out so good. It was a great Christmas present having my
>> best friend and sister in law working with me in the kitchen too.
>> Now for the tequila lime chicken for New Years....
>> kimberly
>A friend suggested the following:
>200 degrees "forever" or until the meat reaches 125 to 130 degrees.
>Take the roast out and let it rest.
>Then put it back into a 500 degree oven for 10 minutes to crust.
>He says the roast is a delightful pink except for the 1/4 inch crust.
>Has anyone ever tried tins method?
Sounds like Alton Brown's method. I think I am going to try it this
week end. There are 2 standing rib roasts in the freezer.
Susan N.
"Moral indignation is in most cases two percent moral, 48 percent indignation, and 50 percent envy."
Vittorio De Sica, Italian movie director (1901-1974)