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  #157 (permalink)   Report Post  
Charlotte L. Blackmer
Posts: n/a

I didn't get a lot in the way of foodie stuff this year.

My big haul was Schott's Food and Drink Miscellany, and a pound of very
good coffee from the indie roaster near my folks' place in my stocking.
Plus trader joe's dark chocolate covered caramels. Mmmm mmmm good.

I gave some coffee, Scharffen Berger chocolate, and the "Gotta have this
kitchen gizmo" of the year, the good grips swivel peeler, and Miracle Maid
cleaning cloths. I traditionally put a "gotta have it" utensil that I
like a lot in the socks. Last year my mom (she of the lemon curd) and sister
in law got Microplanes and Mexican orange juicers.

Had I been thinking when I was cruising through Surly Table with a
discount, I would have got the silicone flexible flippers from Good Grips.
An excellent tool, and in colors to match decor! Maybe for next year.

I also missed the Le Crueset outlet sale because the outlets are a
distance away, or I would have gotten silicone whisks (for presies) and
one of those tomato casseroles (for me).
