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On Sun, 02 Jan 2005 00:28:13 +0000, RMiller wrote:

> Gumbo was what I intended to make, a good way to start off 2005.
> All my ingredients were together, and tho I have been nursing a cold, I was
> ready to go.
> Started with the roux, this is the key to the whole dish. You have to take it
> slow and easy, I did, stirring constantly, for about an hour over low heat.
> I watched it tun brown and was pleased.

I cannot fathom why it would take anyone near an hour to make roux for
a gumbo. If you have even heat distribution and are stirring it
constantly, it shouldn't take more than 15-20 minutes tops to get to a
shade of brown that would be considered the right amount of cooking for
a gumbo roux. If you have any black specks in it, throw it out and start
over. If it's any darker than maybe a shade more than cardboard, throw
keep it, but use it for a stew. You want gumbo, not coffee.
