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Tom S
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> wrote in message
> Tom S wrote:
>> "Peter Muto" > wrote in message
>> om...
>> > Hi
>> >
>> > I've had my wine (CS, CF, Merlot separately) going through Malo for
>> > exactly 4 weeks. They have remained consistently at a tempature
>> > between 18-20 degrees Centigrade.
>> >
>> > I do not have the paper chromotography and will not be able to get
>> > some in the near future.
>> >
>> > How likely is it the wines have finished malo?

>> If it's still fizzing, it isn't finished.

> It's not fizzing at this point. The wine is quite still and I observed
> for about 5 mins and saw no bubbles/fizz.
> I think I'm going to have to hope the ML is done as due to my father's
> need to make sausage, he has to cool the cellar (and make room) so I'm
> not sure what else I can do.

> I'm very worried about the wine
> going that long without sulphite and the risk of spoilage/bacteria, a
> problem we've had in the past.

Measure the pH and sulfite the wine appropriately. Keep it topped up.
Racking it now would be a good idea too. Top up with a similar wine if you
don't have any extra of the same.

Tom S