I live in Mayfield, KY, about 20 minutes south of Paducah.
Paducah has busses, and now we have electricity and color tv's!!!!!!!
(this is a hint to have low-tech and hillbillyish west kentucky is, and
if you have a chance to visit west kentucky, DONT.
you are not missing anything, as you can tell from the original owner
of the artical, this place is worthless and boring.
If you want something to do, you can go spend $8 on a movie and $10 on
popcorn and a drink, or eat at the Ryans steakhouse, where they have
the temperature at 60 degrees, so that you freeze and leave early,
without eating all their food. Dont forget the special on today's
buffet, a black hair.
(this is from past experiences, so its not like i'm making this up)
once i went thru 3 plates and 2 silverware, in the same night at
paducah ryans.
west of the kentucky lakes, you would prefer to be in Paducah, or
Murray, but THATS IT.
i'm embarrassed to say i'm from Kentucky.
but i'm looking for new friends, so you can email if you'd like.
have a nice day!
DRB wrote:
> "Stark Raven" > wrote in message
> ...
> >
> > It was goat. May have been a family pet, but it is a tradition in
> > small Western Kentucy community where many of my forebears are
> > interred. Ye Gads! No, it was goat.
> If you don't mind my asking, what town is your family from? I was
> near Fulton, and am always interested in meeting people from KY.