Your turn USA.
alzelt > wrote in
> Rona Yuthasastrakosol wrote:
>> "Michel Boucher" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>>I guess Canada now has a reason to reciprocate the last few
>>>months in (no-)beef trade :-)
>> So far, it's being reported that Canada is taking the high
>> road--"Now is not the time for tit-for-tat" or something like
>> that. Personally, I think Canada should ban US beef imports.
>> Why the hell not?
>> rona
> Your new P.M. thinks that by kissing the moron's butt, things will
> work out for Canada. Not with Bush. You are either with him or
> against him. He holds grudges longer than his pappy held office.
Actually, Paul can teach George a few new tricks, like not speaking
with your mouth full :-)
He has said certain things are unacceptable and already informed the
Whitehouse that there are limits that cannot be crossed. He has
campaigned (within the party mind you, not in the country as a whole)
on a realignment of Canada-US relations based on the fact that they
were supposedly damaged by Canada asking for proof of WMDs before
committing troops to war. It was only bafflegab. Now, if he
Mulroney...that would be scary at this point.
Myself, I'll not vote for him (I have never voted for either of the
three right wing parties in Canada), as I will have an opportunity to
vote for Ed Broadbent in te next election :-).
"I'm the master of low expectations."
GWB, aboard Air Force One, 04Jun2003