In article >, Michael Odom
> wrote:
> On Mon, 03 Jan 2005 05:05:38 GMT, "Lucy" > wrote:
> >Ok.. I've finally stopped salivating <grin>
> >Sounds like you're a very good cook..
> Thanks. I have my moments, but I'm always prepared to retreat to Taco
> Bell when things in the kitchen turn sour. For example:
> >question though.. how many minutes per pound did you cook the loin?
> >I always have trouble with loins/roasts being too rare or too dry..
> >I like medium, or medium well.. I'm not sure which it is called. (not a lot of
> >pink, just barelyyyy pink)
> >lucy 
> >
> I have to say that I don't have a methodology. I cook by eyes and
> ears and nose.
Sure, but all you see and smell are peppers and other weird things.
-Barb, <> Updated 11-29-04; Sam I Am!
birthday telling; Thanksgiving 2004; Fanfare, Maestro, please.
"Are we going to measure or are we going to cook?" -Food writer
Mimi Sheraton