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  #24 (permalink)   Report Post  
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>Good luck finding a chicken you like; I'm still looking for bologna

>remotely close to the great stuff I had as a kid in western Kentucky;


L's remark about franks made me think that supermarket management can
play a major role in monotonizing our food choices. Some years ago
our local Albertson's started carrying Johnsonville sausages from
Minnesota. Along with the brats and Italians they also carried their
natural casing franks. Now Johnsonville is a great big company but
the franks were of good old-fashioned quality, competitively priced,
with a nice snap when you bit into them. But, the local management
didn't place them with the main batch of Johsonville products but in a
corner of a showcase where nobody would expect to find franks. Soon,
they quit carrying them. I complained and was told they just didn't
sell- Duh! I wonder why not. You can get natural casing franks at our
local chain, which is pretentious and overpriced, but they are from
Boarshead and aren't as good and almost twice the price. Just to be
fair to the markets though, I think that part of the problem may be
that local consumers don't take franks seriously and think that they
just some more junk for children to eat. I guess I should also add
that the quirky little burg where I live has more than it's share of
veg-heads, animal nuts, and members of the organic religion.
