Melba's Jammin' at wrote on 1/3/05 8:45 PM:
> I sliced the meat in two, horizontally, although I did it vertically.
> :-)
> I pounded the hell, snot, and sh** out of it with a knife (poor woman's
> cube steak?), working seasoned flour into it. Browned it in oil and
> butter, covered it with onions, mushrooms, some green & red peppers
> (dehydrated), and a can of Red Gold Petite diced tomatoes and baked it
> at 300 for about 2 hours. It was tender enough and the meat was
> disgustingly dry. Bleah. The mushrooms were great. Served with some
> disgusting scalloped corn and canned green beans that had no flavor
> whatsoever, even though they'd been doused liberally with Butter Buds
> before nuking. The baked potato would have been fine with some sour
> cream and butter, but I didn't have any sour cream.
> Gee, I can't WAIT to do this again. Not!
Well, I doubt you'll be lining up to make this again, but tomato sauce with
the diced tomatoes would have made a more succulent, "wetter" sauce.
I think the key to this is to have a lot of sauce so the meat picks up
flavor and moistness from the gravy.
It's a shame it didn't turn out better. The sides didn't work out so great,
either, did they? :-)
For the rest of the meat, I would slice it into strips, marinate it over
night in lime juice and chili powder, plus extra garlic and cumin, then stir
fry, grill or broil and serve with tortillas, peppers and onions. In other
words, Fajitas. Or serve with "spanish rice" (I use Lipton's pouch for
this) instead of tortillas, and eat with a knife and fork.