On Mon, 03 Jan 2005 19:45:19 -0600, Melba's Jammin'
> wrote:
>I sliced the meat in two, horizontally, although I did it vertically.
>I pounded the hell, snot, and sh** out of it with a knife (poor woman's
>cube steak?), working seasoned flour into it. Browned it in oil and
>butter, covered it with onions, mushrooms, some green & red peppers
>(dehydrated), and a can of Red Gold Petite diced tomatoes and baked it
>at 300 for about 2 hours. It was tender enough and the meat was
>disgustingly dry. Bleah. The mushrooms were great. Served with some
>disgusting scalloped corn and canned green beans that had no flavor
>whatsoever, even though they'd been doused liberally with Butter Buds
>before nuking. The baked potato would have been fine with some sour
>cream and butter, but I didn't have any sour cream.
>Gee, I can't WAIT to do this again. Not!
Maybe you could try grillades:
This only one of many variations of the dish. I know it calls for
peppers and other weird stuff, but still...
"Dallas is a rich man with a death wish in his eyes."
-- Jimmie Dale Gilmore