The first ever 5 gallon carboy of wine we made (last year) was
cranberry. Used 10lbs cranberries, 5lb raisins, S.G. to 1.115., TA
This year's carboy will be 15lbs cranberry, 5lbs raisins and SG to
1.090 to 1.095., hopefully the TA will still be around .7%.
The first batch, rocket fuel, had to much alcohol, not enough
cranberry. Acid tartness was fine. Used it with sierra-mist this
last summer while painting the house. ;-)
Steve - Noobie
>"Rick Vanderwal" > wrote:
>I just bought a bunch of cranberries.
>What's the best way to use them:
>mince them up and then ferment?
>or boil them a bit with some sugar, as if you're going to make whole
>cranberry sauce, then ferment?