Thread: Trader Joe's
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On Tue, 04 Jan 2005 12:19:45 GMT, Dog3 >

> Thanks Max, I could not remember. In '77 I was not sure what server what
> was on. Usenet was so new then. We were all in academics then. What a
> mess.

We had many servers that accessed the internet in those days
and none of them were easy. The web servers at my college
were named after planets. Bleech! It was a pain in the
neither region for any student who didn't use a computer as
an integral part of their course. Now the college library
has a great search engine, but if you go to the computer lab
to use a computer for simple word processing - it's a
daunting situation. Not only do you wait in line forever,
once you get a computer you can't figure out how to do the
simplest things you can do at home w/o thinking about it.

Remember the Spiders and Web Crawlers that we had to use to
get information back in the dark ages? Now they are used by
information gatherers like Google, big business and school
districts and we don't have to bother with them. It
certainly wasn't the internet as we know it now... before
IP/TCP. In those days, the "web" was supposed to be a way
for university students to communicate with each other over
academic matters, but students like *you* spun it away from
strict academic purposes.

It's hard to believe how much the internet has changed from
'77 to '87 to now!

kowtowing to Michael, the pioneer
