Parties, and not enough china plates
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Christine Dabney
Posts: n/a
Parties, and not enough china plates
On 24 Dec 2003 21:47:46 GMT,
(Naomi Darvell) wrote:
>I don't know what your decor and your standards are like, but you might try
>Target if you have one around. I've bought some plain stoneware there, in
>off-white and bright colors, for not much money at all.
>Naomi D.
Okay a clarification is in order, I think.
I am not going to BUY any new china. I am a traveling nurse, and I
will be leaving this area in about 5 weeks. I don't have the room to
cart around any more stuff. I bring about 4 plates, and bowls with
me. My car is stuffed to the gills as it is when I am ready to be on
the road.
So this is not an option for me.
Renting or good quality paper plates are the only route I can go right
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