Parties, and not enough china plates
On Wed, 24 Dec 2003 17:03:37 -0500, Goomba38 >
>Christine Dabney wrote:
>> Okay a clarification is in order, I think.
>> I am not going to BUY any new china. I am a traveling nurse, and I
>> will be leaving this area in about 5 weeks. I don't have the room to
>> cart around any more stuff. I bring about 4 plates, and bowls with
>> me. My car is stuffed to the gills as it is when I am ready to be on
>> the road.
>Actually, buying inexpensive dishes (try Goodwill even) might solve your
>problems and then you can turn around and re-donate them back again and take the
>tax deduction.
>Have you enjoyed the city though? Where to next?
Yeah, I have been thinking of that as well. I have several options, it
seems. I am going to check out rental places next week, and maybe
thrift stores as well. I might need a 2nd large platter, which I am
thinking I could either rent, or get from a thrift store. Then turn
around and use your idea of donating them back.
Not sure where I will be going next. I probably am heading back
towards California for a few weeks, or maybe even an assignment there.
After that, I am really wanting to go to CO for an assignment. There
seem to be some NICU needs there.
It was nice coming east for the holidays, but I think I am a western
girl at heart.
For any RFC'ers along the route, I am more than likely going back to
the west coast by way of the "southern" route, along I-10. I will be
heading down the east coast via way of I-95, then connecting with
I-10. I don't feel like dealing with snow and ice on my way back
west, so that seems to be the most feasible solution. I am thinking
of spending a few days in New Orleans to feast, then on my way again.
If anyone wants to get together, who is on my way west, let me know.
I won't be leaving for the west coast until the end of January, or
first of February.