On 5 Jan 2005 16:09:42 GMT, Michael Pronay > said:
] "Jean Balthazar" > wrote:
] > It does not resemble that label at all.. It is very simple white
] > background and simple font. I was told it was a special lot of
] > 2500 liters, and wanted to know more about it.
] >
] > I paid 20 Euro a bottle.
] Sorry, but this seems to be very strange. Maybe you might contact
] the chateau at <cheval point blanc at-sign chateau-chevalblanc
] point com>?
] M.
Jean and Michael,
SC du Cheval Blanc is the company that makes "Cheval Blanc,"
the St Emilion 1ere grand cru of great repute. There is only one
"SC du Cheval Blanc" (forcibly) in France, so if the label says they
made the wine it is either so, or fraudulent.
None the less it is bizarre that they would do a bottling like this...
Knock off frauds don't usually carry that high a price tag, either.
There is not much '03 Bordeaux on the market yet, even on the low end,
that I've seen anyway.
Emery Davis
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by removing the well known companies