Thread: Trader Joe's
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Doug Freyburger
Posts: n/a

sf wrote:
> Doug Freyburger wrote:
> > I remember buying a bottle of
> > wine, liking it, going back the *next day* and finding them
> > out of it forever.

> You can say that again. I bought the BEST bottle of Spanish
> red at TJs and never was able to find it again there or in
> any other wine/liquor shop (we had quite a few specialy wine
> shops in those days).

They carried Duc de Raynaud champagne for about a month
in the early 1980s until their stock ran out. At $3.99 per
bottle it was better than any other champagne I've ever tasted
at uner 10 times the price. I've had better champagnes at
$40 per bottle but that's not something I do even every year.
That month I was splitting a bottle of amazing champagne
with someone every other day and who would ever know I
wasn't spending a fortune.

I've never seen Duc de Raynaud champagne again. That's
how TJ used to work. Same as your Spanish red example.