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Steve Calvin
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Chef R. W. Miller wrote:
> The shells provide and add flavor to the dish. The shells contain water and
> lots of flavor. We take the shells peeled from shrimp, boil them for with
> water just covering them, for 10 mins. Remove the mixture to a blender, and
> purée this to a liquid state. We then pour this liquid thru a sieve lined
> with cheese cloth. The stock that comes out is so intense in flavor and
> taste that we us it in almost every seafood sauce.
> Chef R. W. Miller
> Marriott Resorts & Hotels.

<Posted and *not* emailed>

Oh, I use shells all of the time. Throwing them out it against the rules
here. The question was, why keep the shells *in* dishes other than
shrimp cocktail? And honestly, I take them off of those sometimes.


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