Parties, and not enough china plates
in article , Christine Dabney at
wrote on 12/24/03 4:37 PM:
> I really, really dislike paper plates for parties, but I am thinking I
> might have to go that route. I haven't been to the stores yet to see
> what is out there in that department. Are there any really nice ones,
> that might do the job and not give such an impression of tackiness?
> Fortunately, I have enough silverware with me. And maybe enough
> glasses.
> Thanks in advance.
> Christine
Dear Christine,
Haven't seen it in awhile, it's been several years since I've been to a
Lenox outlet, but I once saw paper plates in their Poppies on Blue pattern
there. I have also seen some Pfaltzgraff patterned paper plates, at the
Pfaltzgraff outlet.
Now, that's pretty fancy, don't you think? Seriously, they were sturdy
plates and they certainly weren't tacky. If you have an outlet mall nearby,
run over there this weekend and have a look in the china shops and see
what's there, you might be surprised at what you find. I have always loved
Poppies on Blue and I almost bought those stupid paper plates several times,
just to have on hand for when I wanted them. Never did, but now that I'm
thinking about it, I wish I had.
I think most people expect to use paper plates nowadays at large gatherings.
I think, if you use real flatware and at least have some glasses available,
and the food is good and you present it elegantly, the plates will hardly
even be noticed. It is the general "feeling" of elegance you want to
create. If you set out a plastic margarine tub full of Li'l Smokies with a
squeeze bottle of French's mustard next to it, a tub of Kraft onion dip and
a bag of Ruffles, I think people will not think it's a very elegant party,
and the paper plates will be the least of your problems. but if you prepare
an elegant spread, set out on lovely platters/bowls, (or even the above
menu, but presented with a bit of panache) with pretty flowers around,
candles, wine in real glasses and real flatware, and the paper plates you
get are sturdy and stand up to real food, I doubt anyone would even care.
I have used Hefty plates, they are called, I believe ELEGANTWARE. They are
hexagonal, i believe and come in bright colors (deep red or cobalt blue).
they are coated styrofoam. Styrofoam, so they are strong, but coated, so
they are impervious to heat, cutting, bending, etc. They are very, very
good "paper" plates. I have even rinsed and reused them, if I just had a
sandwich on one, for example. And if you pick them up at Walmart, not
terrifically expensive. I think you get 2 30-plate packs for $5, something
like that.
Dixie also makes some heavy duty paper plates that are not horribly ugly.
And Solo makes some plastic plates that are sturdy, also bright primary
colors and I wouldn't call them tacky, either.
I would go with the solid colors of Hefty Elegantware or Solo over the Dixie
patterns, unless you find a china pattern that you like done up in paper.
Like I said, i haven't looked for it in awhile, but I've seen it.