Chris Hertling wrote:
> This evening, I racked my first batch of wine from the 6 galon primary
> fermenter into a 6galon Carboy. Since the kit I am using is actually for
> 5
> Galons, the must only reaches the shoulder of the carboy. I have received
> conflicting information on wheter to worry about topping off at the start
> of
> seconday fermentation. Should I go out and buy a few bottles of
> commercially produced Zinfindel to bring the level to the neck, or should
> I be OK as long as I have an airlock installed?
> Thanks,
> Chris Hertling
> North Kansas City, MO
Maybe neither.
Consider buying a 5 gallon carboy and obtaining a 1/2 gallon glass jug.
If this is not sufficient, try 1.5 liter bottles.
One can never have too much in the way of various size glassware and bungs
to fit. You will re-use them time and time again so it is a one time
In case you do not want to do the above, I suggest you top up with
commercial wine.