Thread: Your turn USA.
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Default Your turn USA.

It is not about banning beef from this country or that. It is about
each citizen caring enough about themselves and their children to insist
that the beef they buy and that the feed that was used to feed that beef
was safe. North America permits the splitting of the spine. Britian
does not. North America permits approximately up to 30 percent of beef
blood to be feed to chickens, pigs and even to beef - all of the beef
blood is permitted in their feed. Great Britian does not permit this
practice. The Canadian or American hotlines don't mention that and
neither do the respective ministers of agriculture. I love beef but I
can't eat it until it is safe to eat in North America, if ever.

Ken Davey wrote:
> Michel Boucher wrote:
> > "Rona Yuthasastrakosol" > wrote in
> > :
> >
> >>
> >> "Michel Boucher" > wrote in message
> >> ...
> >>>
> >>> I guess Canada now has a reason to reciprocate the last few
> >>> months in (no-)beef trade :-)
> >>>
> >>
> >> So far, it's being reported that Canada is taking the high
> >> road--"Now is not the time for tit-for-tat" or something like
> >> that. Personally, I think Canada should ban US beef imports. Why
> >> the hell not?

> >
> > Canadian consumer annoyance with US uppityism might force the issue.
> > Or, we might make a trade...we'll take their beef if they leave our
> > softwood lumber alone :-)
> >

> Ya mean we might actually have a bargaining chip?
> Haha, yuk yuk. Not bloody likely. Watch how this gets minimized and called
> 'not of any importance' in the overall scheme of things'.
> Does 'level playing field' ring a bell?
> Ken (a Canadian watching my friends lose their jobs and their homes to
> American 'special interest' protectionism)